It's all up in the air


Love flowed easily from the cream accented wolfess. It wasn't hard for her to find love for the tiniest bug, even if she were only to see it once. She had loved Leafy and caring for him was one of the main things that had pulled her out of the deep depression the accident had thrown her into. Letting go of him had been hard and there had certainly been a part of her that hadn't wanted to. It wouldn't have been right to keep him though. He deserved to be free, just like any other butterfly. If the time came for Enzo to leave though she knew it would be even harder to let the dove go. Her bond with him was stronger than her bond with the caterpillar. Interactions between herself and the larvae had been mostly assumed or imagined, but while she and the mourning dove did not speak the same language they did interact. They communicated without words and giving him up would be similar to a parent letting go of a child. Of course if he wanted to she would let him, it wasn't her place to hold him captive. Still, she hoped that he enjoyed her company as much as she enjoyed his and would decide to stay with her. Cambria wanted to continue to watch over him.

Mati's eyes flitted between her and the canvas that she worked so diligently on. The Marino couldn't wait to see the finished portrait; she had no doubt that it would be simply amazing. Its beauty would be more thanks to Mati's skills as a painter than any actual physical attractiveness of her own, but maybe it would give the girl confidence to look upon. To see how someone else viewed her and captured her likeness on fabric. In whatever event though, she knew that the painting would be just as gorgeous as any of the others that were sitting around or hanging on the walls that surrounded them. Cambria wished that she had come to see the other's paintings sooner than now for there was a quickly budding appreciation for art growing in her heart. It surprised her how the images could evoke such a strong sense of wonder and even bring emotions bubbling to the surface. The world seemed somehow clearer in Mati's brush strokes, as if they held the answers to life's secrets that were always just out of reach. The solutions to grand mysteries.

From her periphery Cambi noticed Mati pause in her painting, her brush hanging suspended in the air. At first she assumed that she was simply working some detail out in her mind. Finding the perfect shade or the best way to show the light. The intense violet orbs stayed on her though and she felt heat seep into her cheeks. Then a single, solitary word was breathed from the other female's mouth. The slight girl looked back to Mati full on, a surprised look changing her features. "What?" she asked, as if she had misheard. Surely she was just referring to one of the colors or the painting in progress. She couldn't have possibly meant her, could she? Heart beat heavily in her ears as she waited to see what Mati would do or say next. The breaking of the silence had been so unexpected and with the word that had passed into the open air it seemed that if all time around them had paused.


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