It's a snake
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S'ok Smile Sorry for the shortness x_x


He could see that Emwe wanted to be excited about the prospect of the giant, fire breathing reptiles, but he needed to know that they weren't a threat to him. It was understandable, dragons were fearsome creatures and for many humans had been a source of fear. Haven truly didn't think they had anything to fear from the beasts though. Humans had done a lot of things wrong and hadn't really understood or cared about the natural world (at least the vast majority of them hadn't) and he suspected that was why they and the dragons had been at odds. As long as luperci didn't follow the footsteps of humans and repeat history he thought the dragons would have no problems with them. Emwe's excitement budding once again at the idea that they could be on the same side as dragons and Haven was glad he had been able to salvage the conversation. He would have felt awfully bad if he were to have given the younger male nightmares.

Haven's smile grew larger as the boy shared his ideas and his ochre tail wagged along with Emwe's. "I think so too, they'd make very good allies. Not to mention very cool ones, yeah?" The Knight couldn't help but to imagine himself sitting astride a large, powerful dragon. The dragon in his mind was bright, shining gold, the perfect dragon companion for a knight such as himself.


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