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Totally powerplaying here--feel free to give me a nudge for an edit. In any case, feel free to do the same. :]

The moment their hands found each other, she fell back in step, carrying on this dream-like night, half believing she saw him through rose-coloured glasses. He offered her no judgement or complaint, only a small smile and a replying look of certainty. Who he was, how they had wound up traipsing down the snowy street of the territory she called home, she didn't care to question. He carried her enchantment, and she danced to a song from overseas, moving to and from him, spinning and turning, but never losing contact with him as the carried on down the street. She was unabashed and had no qualms with indulging herself in the sight of a twirl-flared dress for more turns than her balance could handle, and crashing against his pale belly as a result. A laugh, a grin, she would start back up again with a cleaner stride.

Without any indication towards premeditation, she pulled their bodies off of the road, over a blanketed sidewalk, and into an alleyway. There, a deeply rusted iron fire escape crawled up the side of a four-story building. "Come," she said in the moment she finally released his hand, whipping herself around to the first of many narrow stairs. An impish flash of teeth and a quick poke of a tongue between, she bundled up the front bulk of her dress and began towards the roof.

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