whisper of the heart
wc: 400 // ;D

The crisp air felt refreshing, cool against the back of her throat, before she exhaled a warm puff of steam. There was promise held in the untouched surface of snow, a blanket incubating the frozen ground until the plants were ready to reclaim the land. Colibri smiled inwardly at this notion, looking forward to seeing the flowers at the lakeside again. She met Anu here, although it was on the far bank. Maybe they could relive that night one year later.

Mirth twinkled in Savina's brilliant emerald eyes, and Coli tilted her head helplessly, half-smile widening. "Y-yes... Savina," she murmured, about to say the title again. Respect was a hard habit to break. Thankfully it wasn't one looked down upon. She sobered as Savina spoke again, wishing her Inferni friend safe passage. How was a war supposed to end without either side taking casualties? There were good canines in both packs. Was it naive to hope for peace?

"...Most of my friends aren't there anymore," she replied honestly, with a touch of wistfulness in her voice. She had never really grasped how fleeting happiness could be; would she have spent more time with them, if she had known? Living with Deuce and little Willow had been a peaceful time, but they abandoned her, a recurring theme in her life. Henratha, Sankor, Catalyst, they all found reasons to depart the packlands and seek their fortunes elsewhere. It had taken her too long to make the same decision herself. The flower pack had become a place of sad memories for most; their cemetery wasn't just a collection of human relics, there were wolves buried there too.

"Cercelee... I'm worried about her. And Auntie Mew, she can't defend herself... My half-brothers, as well." Her blue eyes grew clouded and distant. Had she run away and doomed them all? Haku would kill any deserter, and not everyone had a hero to snatch them from his jaws as Anu had. "Oh, but Princess... I didn't know she lived here now. We knew each other in Dahlia." The ghost of a smile returned, bringing a softness back to her weary expression. Princess had been a cute pup, and it was a fond memory, albeit overshadowed by Tokyo's cruel interrogation afterward. Perhaps it was best that Coli hadn't known where Princess had ran off to, because she surely would have babbled the truth to the bullying mother.


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