Devil's Thunder

In Character

Almost instantly, Larkspur read and judged the unfamiliar wolf. He was not a fragile creature, but one who knew his place in the world. Once, a long time ago, Larkspur had been much the same. Now he answered to no creature. Haku was a front, a figurehead, one that had earned his respect but not his undying loyalty. If this war was lost, Lark would not be lost with it. His purpose was much greater, and once the winter was over, he would realize what fate had for store in him. Though Addison had spoken of a relative, Naniko, there had been no attempt to find her. Not yet. The path laid out before him was as of yet unclear.

The white wolf remained still, and it was Larkspur who approached first. He carried himself well, but there was no arrogance in his walk. There was a simple knowledge of a difference between the two. Doggishly, Larkspur stuck his nose out and began sniffing the male, reading the multitude of scents on him. Haku’s was enough to speak of rank, though this idea was something unfamiliar to the D’Angelo. Satisfied that this man was not his enemy (save spiritually, as he believed) the Bluet settled back, giving the man his space.

Despite the placidity now covering his face, it was apparent that violence lingered in his heart. “You got a name?” Larkspur did not ask, but demanded.

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