It's all up in the air

love! 500+

There was so much that she didn't know about Mati. So many details that had never been delved into. She didn't know about her family, was even fairly ignorant to the fact that Naniko was her mother, and Anu as well. Cambria had been so young and the only she had really known was that Mati had been there to look after her and take care of her when her parents couldn't, or needed to be other places. She had been the one to watch her after the accident, it was her care that she had been put under while her mother and Anu dealt with the offender. Now though, she found herself wanting to know everything. To know about her childhood, to know about her past. To know why and how she had found her artistic gift. She wanted to know her, to know everything about her. To have an attraction surface so suddenly and so fiercely was scary, but Cambria knew that she didn't want it any other way. She just wanted to be close to her, in any way.

Mati relaxed more, but as she stepped forward she could feel the tension in the other rise again and she decided to make no further moves forward. She didn't want to push her, couldn't push her. Having her own emotions running so high made her hyper aware of how the other fey was feeling and she wouldn't dare do anything that could make things worse. She didn't think there was anything wrong with what she wanted to do, but she knew it just simply might be too much right now. This had all descended upon them so quickly that they needed to take things slow and let ideas settle before taking another step. Still, that didn't keep her heart from beating so strongly though, or from feeling like it was pulling her towards the Church wolf like a magnet to its opposing force. Cambi wanted to lose herself in those arms, but it would have to wait.

"Okay. Take however long you need." Though not too long, she mentally added. She wasn't sure if Mati would want to see her again before the picture was finished, and if she didn't then she didn't think she could bear for it to take much more than a week. Her gaze was focused so intently on the other wolfess that the change of topic to her necklace left her momentarily dumbfounded. "Oh? Oh, yeah, that'd be nice. I wear it, most of the time." Always when she was shifted. Her father had given her the necklace and it meant a great deal to her for that reason. She felt that when she wore it he was never far away. Her eyes caught the movement of Mati's hand and her heart quickened. For a moment she remained still and then almost involuntarily she moved forward just enough so that Mati could reach the charm, and by extension, her.

Cheeks burned so hot that she was certain that Mati could see the blush, even through her dark fur. "Thanks," she answered, somewhat breathless.


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