draped & displayed
for Bris! Fae's in wolf form, just so you know. 300+

The wood of the harbor floor was cold beneath her snowy paws; it felt frozen, yet there was no moisture there. It was simply cold. Everything appeared so gray, from the sky to the murky water to even the planks underfoot. It was chilly outside, and it was beautiful, even cast in gray such as it was. Fae barely felt the cold, and where she did it felt good. She loped slowly to the end of the dock listening to her claws scrape against that cold wood floor, listening to the water suck at the rotting, moss-covered poles that held up the dock.

She was getting used to being here. It was nice; she'd never lived in a pack with such expansive borders. She felt completely free, as if she owned the place. She could chose to live anywhere she wanted, in the dilapidated town or in the very buildings that skirted the harbor. But the latter made her quite uneasy - they were frighteningly empty. Fae wouldn't have cared, living by herself, but the vibes of the school and library and little shops were almost haunting. This was why she was stoned a lot of the time (and she was now); so that she felt those vibes and so that they could subsequently push her away from unhappy places. Now, staring into the water, the wolf wondered where her life would take her next. Where she should take her life next. There was much to do for herself, but oh, the water below was wonderful to stare at. She pictured scenarios, gruesome ones involving the war. She was never one for a lot of bloodshed, but she'd developed a taste for it after her scuffle with that idiot Nala. How fun it would be, to have fought him here, and thrown him into the depths of the empty, gray water.


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