OOC: it's fine, I'd rather you not worry about stuff like this while you're at winter break, I hope you enjoy it. And don't worry about the short post. I barely got this one out... (stressful events that I'd rather not elaborate on.) I hope this one isn't as bad as I feel it is... this feels like the worst post yet...

With eyes observing the surrounding area, looking for any and all escape routes, and marking them in her head, Aria tried to keep her intentions disguised and following her old instincts that she had obtained from her past pack leader (to his dismay when he (the previous leader) found out). She shivered from fear again, though the gray-white wolf hoped it appeared as though it was from the cold. Sighing mentally, she resigned herself to whatever fate beheld her, though she would fight it if she had to.

Hearing the leader speak again, she listened and closed her eyes, having learned not to trust what others said and to look beyond to what the possible motivations could be. Her fear filled minds gave her ideas that resulted in the taste of bile in the back of her throat. Aria knew she was vulnerable in this form and hated it, but knew she couldn't do anything to change it fast enough to matter should worse come to worse. Forcing her voice out in an emotionless tone she responded with "I'm fine, it's just my first time using this form..." The gray and white wolf didn't like revealing that information but knew (or at least thought) that she'd be in trouble if she didn't tell everything. "If Ember, told you what I told her..." she left the sentence unfinished, not wanting to replay the story again.

Ears lowering, Aria stepped back a little, worried and having little trust for any male, even one who seemed to just want to help on the outside...

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