where black is the color, where none is the number
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... a3-2-2.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:top;">
fwee Big Grin 300+

Her chest rose and fell visibly, her breathe leaving her in misty clouds. It was too much for her to handle, but who could possibly help her? If these were still the times of the humans they would say she needed a therapist or psychologist or something. No one in this world really held such knowledge though, and if they did they most certainly did not live in Inferni though. Unlike before, now the idea of leaving the clan's lands frightened her. This was the only place that she were physically safe, at least as long as this war went on. Besides, she didn't want to see what the ravishes of such a mass-scale conflict had produced. That was why she hid herself away in her cave and didn't leave to deal with her own personal conflict, for those outside would only compound her issues.

The approach of another wasn't concealed, and yet still the sound of it made the hair on the back of her neck stand on end. Was it him? Logically she knew that was impossible. If he had gotten anywhere near the borders it would have been detected and he would have been stopped before he could have come this far. Still, fear was an irrational thing and she couldn't stop herself from thinking that. Gaze stayed trained on the water below her as her body shivered. When the voice that broke the silence was not only female, but exotic, she finally felt safe enough to look at who had come over. The form that met her was certainly different and highly unexpected and the confusion surely showed on her haggard features. "Uh...not really, but don't think there's anything anyone can do about it," she answered in a defeated tone.

Straightening up somewhat she looked over the bizarrely colored and shaped canine. It might have been rude, but she couldn't let the question go. "I'm sorry but, what are you exactly?" If she had been in her right state of mind she would have worded it better, but that was all she could manage right now.


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