Darkest before the Dawn


Dark orbs watched as the gray hybrid took a look at the stallion. They watched not only the language of the canine's body, but the equine's as well. It spoke volume's to the golden fem as she absent mindedly chewed her jerky. Rem kept an eye on Heath, but that would be true of anyone. One ear following their conversation, while the other sat relaxed, perking occasionally at some slight sound from the forest around them. No snort of disapproval at Heath's scent or touch. Anann trusted Rem's judgment of people. He was hardly this relaxed with anyone, he had broken several toes in the stables back home. A heavy foot was often Rem's way of showing his displeasure with the stable hands, when they didn't change their ways at subtler cues. He saw himself an equal among wolves, not a creature to be owned and controlled.

Heath's posture, the way and speed at which he moved. Slow, deliberate. Keeping contact with the horse. Not only letting the horse know where you were even when out of sight, but also letting him feel the horse move. A shift in weight, tensing of the muscle, both can be felt and both could be warning of a kick or bite an unknown horse might be capable of. It was obvious he knew and understood horses. While her eye's absorbed all this, her ears listened to what insight Heath had to offer on the war. Giving a slight nod of acknowledgment, as she chewed silently on the remaining bit of her piece of jerky. Anann had her own encounters with coyotes during her fathers campaigns. They can be nasty, short tempered creatures. Anann said it flatly. Her father had always seen wolves superior to all other canines. Dogs the lowest of all. Anann had never shared his views, if she had she'd hardly be breaking bread with a hybrid.

As he described the packs she tried to connect what dots she had. Aniwaya, they lie within that fenced in area? The fence itself had been enough to make her leery of the lands. The prospect of herding didn't help either. Herding had made her clan weak in her eyes, though she doubted Aniwaya had taken to the level her's had. Heading deeper into the lands towards Phoenix Valley, closer to the feud packs seemed even less appealing. It seems the best suggestion was to come last. She stayed silent a moment, pondering on it. I'd like that. She said with a smile and a nod. It was a direction. She could find a purpose, Build a life. One she could be proud of this time. What's your pack like? your leader? She stayed away from titles. You never knew what might use, some still used the traditional Alpha, others used chief, commander, she'd even meet one that claimed the title of emperor. Her tone didn't press for an answer, she was just making conversation.


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