Explorers, Unite!
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v313/ ... htable.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

oocShe's such a rude little brat.

504 Words Yay me

Amaranth had found herself something to do since there was now another in the area. She had decided not to go to the hotel and to find out what the other young pup was up too. though it wasn't any of her business she felt the urge to make it hers. She had been on her way towards the other unknowing that another pup awaited in the bushes.

She hadn't been singing anymore and had found herself very focused on getting to the other as she was knocked off her feet. Amaranth took in a sharp breath as she hit the ground with a crash. Who was the stupid idiot who knocked her over. amaranth glared at the male puppy as she stood shaking off her pelt. "No duh I'm not who ever you were looking for." She didn't know the pups name but she knew who he was. He was the healer lady's son. She couldn't think of his name but she was certain that he was him. "Your an idiot you can't go around tackling random wolves I could have killed you if I wanted to" A mere bluff but that didn't matter he didn't know that she could or couldn't.

Maybe it was a good thing and maybe it was a bad thing that her uncle had come to live here. He promised to teach her how to fight when she got older and it made her very excited to know that he would teach her how to deal with fools like this boy. She didn't enjoy dealing with those who were of lesser intelligence then her. Granted she didn't know how smart he may or may not be. She looked at him with her crystal purple eyes she was sizing him up trying to get a feel for what he may or may not be.

Now she hadn't even had a chance to get to the other female who seemed to be approaching as she spoke in both French and English Amaranth looked at her. Now she was kinda certain she knew who the boy was. Her mother had told her about how Alaine the healer had a son and taken in a female pup. She had no idea what their names were well she knew the female pups name thanks to both pups who had said it.

So no what was his name? Looking at Sylvie how the heck could this boy mistake her for her? They looked very different. "I'm Amaranth Catori." She said very proudly. Ever since her uncle had come he had told her stories of where he and her mother used to live. How they were royalty so that ment she was descended from royalty which made her a very important wolf, well in her own mind. "Who are you?" She asked addressing the pup who had tackled her. She still wasn't very happy she had been on the reciving end of that. Looking at him she waited his reply hoping to get his name.


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