You find out who your friends are





Lips curved in a contented smile as her best friend led her to sit by the fireplace. His comment about the new fluffy quality of her fur made her blush. "A sheep? Honestly Jac, there is no possible way that I would ever look like a there?" The blind girl had never been very close to a sheep before, but from past experience she knew that they were indeed very thick, wooly creatures. Without sight, she had no idea how much or how little she resembled a sheep, therefore Jac needed to clarify his joke to ease her worries. She was a dog, not a sheep, and if she was beginning to look like the latter she would have to do something to prevent further changes.

Jac's continued refusal to venture outdoors made the collie-girl sigh. He really was hopeless in this regard. "If you had Firefly bring you some clothes to wear, you would not have to go outside until she brought them. Or, you could simply wrap a few of these blankets around yourself, like some sort of goofy robe, and then you could come outside. The fact is, your Highness, that you simply do not want to go outside," she scolded sarcastically as Jac rested his head atop her own.

The change in Jac's voice stung her as he spoke. He still wasn't okay with Heath. He had accepted her decision to bring Heath back. In fact, he had almost welcomed it, but now Jac had seemingly changed his mind. Oh well, she would not let his attitude affect her. No sir, she would turn the comment back at him to make him see just how immature he was being. "So? You always smell like some other girl or lady, Jac. While I was growing up, whenever you would come to wake me up in the morning, you always had some new scent on your fur. I never mentioned it because you're my friend and it didn't matter what you were doing. For instance, now you smell like Firefly. In fact, this entire how smells like Firefly is living here too. It's good that the both of you are keeping each other company," she replied. Of course, she knew Jac and Firefly were likely doing more than just living together, but she didn't want to press the subject any further. She hoped Jac would simply laugh it off and they would be able to move on to a less touchy subject.

Plumed tail moved to wrap around the King as he sat next to her by the fireplace. The heat radiating from the flames was refreshing and relaxing, just the right thing for a friendly visit. "So, Jac, now that we're here, do you want me to sing you something? I miss singing for you. In fact, I haven't had the opportunity to sing for anyone in quite awhile. Most of the time when I meet people, we're outside, and the cold air makes it hard for me to sing, but we're inside so I'm ready if you want me to!" she exclaimed, her face aglow with puppish enthusiasm. Jac was always her biggest fan, and she most of the songs he knew were his favorites. She had learned many of them from hearing other women down South. Whenever Jac had whispered in her ear that he liked the song, she memorized and practiced it in order to sing it for him later. Now she just wanted Jac to pick a song and she would sing her very best for him.


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