Darkest before the Dawn

short :\ it was a rough night xD

His hands remained lightly held to the horse's side, feeling the heat of the beast's skin and testing his reaction as well as the health of the muscle and tone. Once he was satisfied, Heath moved against the grain of Rem's hair back up to his neck and then sniffing at the horse's face as the stallion had done to his. Thoughts of coyotes lingering in his mind. It was not the species, as he had met plenty of pleasant yotes and of course his own blood was a mix of wolf and coy. The clan was what he was leery of, the constitution, the lost heads presented on the end of spikes at the door. It did not settled well with him and worried him now that he had more then himself to consider.

He nodded, "Yes." a pause came as he turned from the stallion and looked to the female. "They are led by a Chief, and work with many different tools and many weapons. Though are generally peaceful." Heath had found it all every interesting and different. Golden eyes watched as she perked at the idea of him showing her around his own lands, and though he had yet to explore all of it Heath knew some of the places she would be interested in quite well. Her question was not a surprise, but Heath was never happy to speak about Jac, their feud still raging in his mind. The King's relationship with Heath's mate was still not something that the male was comfortable with. No he did not distrust Ruri, but he had such little trust for Jac that it all balanced out.

" We are a court, led by a King." He voice was a forced even tone. " "Our King is Jacquez, a collie dog with one arm. There are a few dogs and hybrid, all are welcomed." Heath felt it important that she knew that it just didn't matter what you were, their King didn't care.


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