Following the taint


He sensed emotion rise within the other and politely averted his gaze and refrained from witnessing whatever feelings went through one of Dahlia’s newest members. While he certainly could sympathize with Vark he could claim to know how the young male was feeling. Conor had never had any family as many had. His mother was a stranger and his father was a monster. It was clear though that Vark had lost those closest to him and it saddened him, perhaps more than it should. Varks suffering was not really the golden male’s business, but he was so easily affected by those around him. He had been born to Dahlia de Mai and he cared so for the pack and its members. He thought it horrible that Vark was living in a cold and lifeless house, coping with his enormous loss alone. Solitude was often desired while handling such traumas, but it was important that the male did not isolate himself from others or let his mind be poisoned by hate.

The answer that the other came up with fitted well as a description of his demonic father. Lilac eyes slowly travelled back to Vark’s form, touched by the light curiosity his body too displayed about the youth’s thoughts. ”Hmm,” was the only reply Conor could come up with there and then. It was a good thing that Vark respected the hierarchy and the leadership – he just wished it had not been Haku up there with a blood stained crown that should have been pure and untainted. Conor himself too was struggling with his own thoughts. He followed Haku because he was the alpha, but he was questioning the alpha’s sanity more and more these days. He knew the blue eyed male almost as well as the dead victims of his crimes. His childhood had been haunted by Haku’s dark rage and punishments. Cercelee and Cwmfen had managed to keep Haku calm back when they were leading the pack, but now Haku was on the top alone and there was insanity dancing in his eyes.

”Yes, he is our Alpha and we are required to follow him.” the male started slowly, unable to find a better way of going on about the matter. His mother had spoken cruel words about his father when he had been at the borders of Cour de Miracles, and even if her words had been tainted by bitterness and her grudges against Haku, he thought that there was some truth somewhere as well. ”But don’t learn from him.” he now stated firmly, making the point bolder by seeking eye contact with the other. ”Haku is not a hero – there are many that consider him a monster that refuses to let us find peace.” This was true, or so the young Dahlian thought. Haku had been a prominent piece in the first war as well and Conor had heard the horror stories about the woman and the child he had so cruelly butchered and put up on display. Madness. It was madness.

Table credit: Alli/Anu

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