I see crowds of people, walking round in a ring.

OOC: I hope this is alright. 300+


The stench of holy war was all about them. How he had managed to keep himself away from it all, even he did not know. But Jedidiah could no longer hide. He could not hide his disgust at everything around him, he could not hide his anger at the betrayal of fellow coyotes. The Dahlians were led by a demon, a monster sent from the bowels of Hell to destroy them all. He would burn the lands and bring about the end of days, unless they stopped him. He would make sure the monster was stopped, even if he did not deliver the killing blow. God had been merciful for long enough and now was the time for His wrath to be distributed on the unworthy. Gabriel and Kaena would help Him, they would be His soldiers in this war, His generals, for all the other coyotes would serve as dutiful soldiers. It was how things should be.


He spotted Gabriel from some way off, and the smell of death was all about him. The bodies were still visible and Jedidiah felt his gut wrench from the pain. He was angry now, angry as he had never been before. He was a healer, sure, and a holy man, but even those of the faith could be overcome by death and destruction. Slowly, he padded towards his leader. Burial had been a great thing in his pack, with ceremonies that lasted for days. To remember the souls of those who had passed. To remember their lives and their deaths. But these coyotes no longer resembled something living. They were shells and God had long taken their souls from them. Their bodies needed to embrace the earth and become one with it.


May the Lord have mercy in their souls. It was all that could be said. With a polite nod to his leader, Jedidiah started digging alongside him. His claws dug into the earth and pulled it apart. If Gabriel wanted this moment to be his, then Jedidiah would understand and move along. Death was a private thing and he would never intrude on his leader's moments of solitude. Silently, he resolved to hurt the wolves who had done this.


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