You find out who your friends are



My favorite arrangement of the song "You Raise Me Up" is by Josh Groban, so imagine that same version of the song but being sung by a woman's soprano voice, not a men's tenor and you've got how Ruri would sound ^_^. 400+


A wave of relief washed over the sensitive collie girl when Jac assured her that she did not look like a sheep. She had suspected as much, but hearing someone who could actually see her telling her that made her feel much better. She did not want thicker fur if it meant changing her appearance too dramatically. However, Jac's description of the differences between men and women made Ruri sigh in mild exasperation. She doubted that she would ever be able to change Jac's view regarding that issue. That was alright with her, but she would just have to be careful about what she told Jac about. For instance, the fact that she and Heath often kissed and...engaged in other more private marital activities on occasion, would have to be kept on a strict need to know basis. She did not wish to hide anything from Jac, but she also didn't want him to assault her mate for showing his affection towards her. Perhaps someday, when Jac was older, he would finally change his views, but for now Ruri would have to be content with the uneasy peace between the two most important men in her life.

Jac's acceptance of her offer made the blue merle woman beam with pride. She loved singing, and with such an eager audience as Jac she loved it even more. It did not take her long to decide on the first song she would sing. It was one of her absolute favorites, and it described just how much Jac meant to her. She would also have to sing the song to Heath sometime, as it equally described her appreciation for him as well. So, after clearing her throat and selecting the proper vocal key, Ruri began to sing, "When I am down, and oh my soul so weary. When troubles come, and my heart burdened be...Then I am still, and wait here in the silence...until you come and sit awhile with me. You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains...You raise me up! To walk on stormy seas! I am strong...when I am on your shoulders! You raise me more than I can be..." Her nightingale's voice rang with the sweet, slow tones and kept perfect pace with her internal metronome, tapping out the rhythm of the ballad as she sang. The song carried on for a few more verses, ending with a resounding finale of the chorus where Ruri added several ornaments and accents to the tones, not to mention volume before she ended with the final line, "You raise me more, than I, can be," her voice slowly faded as she gently wrapped her arms around Jac's torso. "What did you think?" She asked, pale blue eyes continually searching for the dark, black eyes of her best friend and king.


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