It's all up in the air

Sorry for the wait lovey <3 500+

Maybe in another situation have Mati's eyes study her so would have made her uncomfortable, but now she nearly relished the attention. They weren't really physically touching, as much as the girl wanted to be, and so the roaming of the other's eyes were the next best thing. With the energy and heat that was bouncing between them she couldn't help but imagine Mati's hands touching her in all the places her eyes did. She could almost feel her fingers soft and warm again her face, touching her hair, gently caressing her neck. Cambria had to be careful though and not let the imaginings run away with her for they made the heat flare up and feelings similar to those she had felt with Lolita poke their head. Getting excited like that wouldn't be a good thing, not right now. There was so much more to get through before even thinking about that.

As Mati gently placed the charm of her necklace back she felt her fingers brush her fur and soft intake of breathe was drawn into her lungs. That contact, no matter how brief, made her want more of it even more than she already hand. She wanted to feel Mati's form against her own. It really wasn't a sexual desire, more a desire for comfort and to be close to the one these strong feelings were for. She wanted to be as close to Mati as she could be. Still, the older fey's swift withdrawl made her wonder what had cause it. Had it been she didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable? Or had it been that Mati didn't want to touch her? The girl tried not to let her worries get the best of her though, focusing on their small conversation. "Yeah, it was. He's always doing nice things like that." Her daddy was one of the people that could always make her feel good no matter what kind of mood she was in.

Cambria watched the older female intently, looking for any queues or signs as to what it was she was feeling and going through. She was nervous herself, but that nervousness seemed even stronger in Mati. The Marino seemed to be in an odd situation where for once she was not the most scared or the most confused. In all other experiences the Church woman had been the one to lead her and to give her confidence and reassurance. Now it seemed that their roles had been somewhat reversed and Cambria was scrambling in her mind to find what it was she should do to make things easier for her friend. Every decision held some risk of pushing Mati away instead of bringing her closer which was her goal. Indecision swarmed in about her as she tried to decide upon the best course of action, the decision seemed to big for her to logically make.

The larger wolf's increased breathing seemed to decide things for her though, even if Cambria wasn't really consciously making the choice. Carefully she stepped forward, closing the distance between them until it no longer existed. Mati's scent filled her head and her form towered over her, encasing her in its protective shadow. Her small arms wrapped around the other fey, holding her in a gentle embrace. A contented sigh pushed from her lungs as she rested her face against Mati's chest. She had only been there a millisecond, but being there against the other felt so right.


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