Darkest before the Dawn

Choker reference

The strip of jerky hung from her maw as she chewed on it, as she listened to the brief history lesson. It proved careless as she nearly dropped the jerky, her hand snagging it as it fell. Perhaps a little wide-eyed and slack jawed, Sailing? The king. Came here. By boat? Her voice questioning slightly, but only in wonderment, she trusted His words. Couldn't imagine traveling such a way. She just found the idea of spending that much time traveling by boat unpleasant. She preferred ground under her paws.

His next words brought some seriousness back to her features. Glad to know your king's not the conquering kind. She gave the pouch in her hand a light bounce a couple times. It helped center the weight before she tossed it gently to Heath, even if he didn't catch it should land in his lap. Inside lie the bone choker she'd made for her pair bonding with Keese. The bones had been sun bleached a pristine white. between the long bone beads, were round beads of turquoise and silver. The center medallion was cut from the base of an antler, the heads of two wolves carved in the face. The only jewelry the wolf had ever had was the wooden ring Keese had carved for her and that choker. She had no need for either anymore. The ring she had left with Keese, it was his burden to bear.

Id like to trade that. She avoided looking at the pouch or the contents of it. If your interested, that is. She took another bite of the jerky, giving him time to look it over and consider. I'm not ready to seek a pack. I need a couple weeks. Check the place out with myself. Not your territory, I won't set foot on Cour de miracles land, or anyone else. Rem however, if you had a free stall, some spare hay? If you had a stall open to the outside anyways. She laughed. He doesn't like being shut in much.She paused, looking Heath square in the eye. I'm sorry if I've asked too much. She knew he had every right to refuse, but one could never know if one never asked.

Table by Alli<3


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