It's all up in the air

S'all good as long as you don't mind mine not being as long XD 500+

There was so much of Mati she couldn't read. She could only gather the larger emotions the played on her features and not the sublties that lay underneath. There seemed to be a whirlwind swirling inside the Church fey and Cambi wanted to calm the storm and show her that it was okay. Anu had said it was okay, that there was nothing wrong with it. With such strong feelings, how could it be wrong? She saw now the Lt. General had been completely correct. There wasn't anything unnatural about this. Not the norm, perhaps, but not incorrect in any sense. She saw in Mati everything that she wanted and everything that she desired. The attraction was more powerful than anything she had felt before and to deny it would be to rebel against her whole being. As long as Mati was feeling similar things she could not step away or abandon what coursed through her. Even if the other female ended up not really wanting Cambria knew that it wouldn't be easy to get rid of. It wasn't something she could discard at will.

The moment she had let go of her inhibitions the two had come together and she knew that she didn't want to be anywhere else. Hugging herself to Mati's larger form was the most excited and most happy she had even felt. The feelings in her chest swelled and she felt as if she couldn't contain her heart any longer. Like the organ wanted to burst from her chest and hug itself close to the Church wolfess' just as she was hugging her body to her. The girl wanted to pour her feelings forth from her mouth but she could think of no words to do justice to them. They were too large to condense into simple words. She knew that it was not love, for it couldn't be that yet, but she knew that it could certainly grow into that. In that moment she knew that if Mati would accept her heart, Cambria wanted to give it to her someday. She wanted to share the same kind of love her parents held for one another with the woman before her.

She felt Mati's hand lightly touch her back before retreating and then carefully returning. Cambi wanted to encourage her friend to hold her in the same manner, but she couldn't force it. Hopefully it would just take Mati a little while to get comfortable enough to fully return the embrace. For now the Marnio was confident that the other wanted this too. Surely they wouldn't have gotten this far if she didn't, right? The logic seemed sound, and she clung to it fiercely, not even daring to think otherwise. The muscles in the elder fey's back stretched beneath her fingertips and Cambria looked up to Mati's down-turned face. Sea colored orbs locked onto the startling violet and even if her voice couldn't give life to her feeling surely her eyes could. The emotions saturated her gaze and the smile upon her face grew wide and bright as she looked up at her, certain this was the start of something important.


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