tear me down
http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g210/ ... geneva.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Sokanon's response was simple, but it told Geneva everything she needed to know for now. She remembered when she too, had been fresh off of the road. But she had never truly been a wanderer at heart. She had traveled out of necessity and desperation. When she tried to think back to her times of travel, all she could recall was a deep sense of hopelessness. She had been injured at the time, at the edge of despair, and she had not really known where she was going. All she had known was that she had been seeking a good place to start over, and she had found that place here.

"There are several packs, and a clan of coyotes, in the area," Geneva said. Her eyes wrinkled around the edges as she thought up the specifics of each group. Although they shared the same lands, the groups that lived here did have different lifestyles and values. "There is currently a war going on between two of the groups in the area, not at all far from here actually. Dahlia de Mai, a pack of wolves and hybrids, to the west of here, and Inferni, the coyote clan, just south and east of here." She warned the newcomer. She did not want her to fall into one of the battles.

"Thus far, the war has been contained between those two groups, but I don't want you to get caught in the crossfire; be careful." Geneva's tone was worried. She did not know much about the war, to be honest. All she knew was that she wanted to keep her own safe, and that she hoped that both groups involved would try to come to a different way of solving things.

Table by Lin.

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