Following the taint
(OOC: I apologise for my recent absence, I have been snowed under with work. I’m sorry Sad )

Though Vark couldn't see Conors face clearly, He noticed the same struggle of thought that he was going through was displayed briefly on Conors face. The struggle between what Varks opinions, and the loyal duty to his pack leader. Vark swallowed his uneasiness, as Conor reassured him that Haku was their leader. Varks thoughts and feelings wandered. Haku Souls fame preceded him. Fear was instilled into the young of tales of a demonic wolf, who would come to eat you if you didn't eat your greens. Vark didn't believe he was real until his mother told him so as they began their flight to the Dahlia de Mai, now Varks home. Vark jerked back to the present with a guilty flick of his ears, as Conor said some thought of Haku as a monster. Vark had been thinking exactly that thought, and tried in vain to hide his guilt from Conor. He quickly passed the ball back to Conor.
"Refuses us our peace?" Vark asked a little incredulously. Haku was said to be horrible, but he was the pack leader. He pointed that out to Conor.
"As leader of the pack, he would protect us, keep us from harm?" Vark said, though uncertainly.

Using the word 'us' felt a little alien to Vark, though he told himself he would become use to it. Us was not a word he felt comfortable with. It reminded him of his parents.
A particularly evil and well timed draught whistled through the house. Vark shivered. He had wanted to ask this for a time now, but didn't want to intrude on Conors privacy. But, the thought of staying by himself much longer was frightening. And he liked talking to Conor. It distracted him. Vark looked up at Conors face, struggling with which words he should use.
"Conor?" Vark asked furtively. "Can I stay at your place?" Vark hurried to explain himself. "Just until I get settled. I can even sleep on the floor, if there isn't room... and I can get my own food, and everything...." Vark trailed off hopefully.

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