Enter the babysitter

Whoops, I had forgotten all about that thread. Someone has archived it, but I'll find it and reopen it Smile

It seemed like the young male was far more optimistic than the gentle soul next to him. Violet eyes took in Alexey’s emotional struggle with disguised sadness. He could easily see when the woman was upset and he ached to put his arms around her and promise that everything would be okay. Though they tried, things were not entirely the same after what had happened when he had ruined their relationship by giving his first kiss away to her. He turned his gaze away from the latte coated council member and let his eyes discover dust motes and traces of gravel on the floor. He nodded quietly and was satisfied with his aunt’s response to his statement, though he wondered whether or not it was true. He had chosen to believe – she was conscious and could even sit up. Now, Conor did not know a lot, but he had read a variety of written human knowledge and knew that Mew should have been dead. She had been so lucky. This could only end well.

Ears moved towards his gold and cinnamon coated skull when his aunt’s voice spoke to both of the visitors. He did not like the sound of it, though he could not anticipate the nature of it. People had asked for favours in the past and would definitely do it again in the future, so his eyes merely rose to the white form to show that she had his full attention. Of course he would do whatever the woman asked of him if it was in his power.

Table credit: Alli/Anu

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