These feelings will be gone

no worries =)

Whatever anann thought the man's reaction might be, it certainly wasn't what she got. Sure there had been some level of shock and surprise on his face but it faded quickly. It seemed the intended message had failed to be received at all. Quickly and effortlessly the little blade disappeared into its sheath as she helped the redhead male up off the ground. It seemed apparent the reasoning behind her actions and what she had hoped to achieve had complete escaped the redhead. A side for the initial shock of it all he seem rather unperturbed about it all.

The golden fem just kept her sweet smile in place. Though her eyes looked questioningly at the male as he kept hold of her hand, placing a kiss atop it. Giving a slight curtsy of sorts Anann bowed her head. A pleasure, sir Von Rosnete. Having lived a life of privilege she'd been well trained in manners and edict. Often having served as a body guard on trading expeditions. Formalities of this type neared second nature for her. A deadly combination really, deadly skill in combat with the manners of a princess and a sweet disposition outside of battle. Still it was not the kind of meeting she had expected to encounter. Oh, but why not? It was a court after all.

Anann broke her gaze from Strelein, looking over her shoulder to see what her companion was up to. The friesian stallion had decided to go off grazing, digging through the snow to find what little there was buried there. Her attention quickly returned to earth colored male. So you are aware of the war and yet you wonder around oblivious to all around you? Her brows raised, Anann was at a loss for understanding. He had walked right into them. Besides, I'm not interested in entering Cour des Miracles lands, Heath already gave me a tour anyway. Anann reached back scratching at the back of her head and neck through her short mane and hackles. Her smile turning to more of a silly grin. Actually, my goal all along was to hopefully run into someone from the court. I'm interested in joining Cour des Miracles, but I want to know more about it before I do. Hate to make a bad decision, you see?


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