i knew the pathway like the back of my hand

The unfamiliar scent quickly turned into an unfamiliar voice as the delicate Border collie trudged towards the borders. Much to Ruri's delight, the person was female and she too seemed to recognize how cold it was outside. The Dauphine did not mind meeting men at the borders, but when she had in the past she had always had someone with her. That was, of course, except for that time when she had run into Haku Soul. Women were less intimidating to the blind woman. As a female herself, Ruri found that it was easier to find common ground with members of her own gender.

Milky blue eyes quickly danced around, as if trying to make contact with the source of the voice. Eye-contact was only ever a brief occurrence. Delicate, white-furred footpaws stamped out a place for herself in the snow as she stood and replied, "Yeah, I think this is the coldest it has been all winter. I'm Ruri, Ruri Aceline the Dauphine and Lautari of Cour des Miracles," she paused briefly before adding, "What I mean is that I'm the second-in-command and the head musician. Well, I don't know if you'd call me a musician, I just sing a lot. I can't play human instruments like some people. It's very nice to meet you, Geneva." The silver and ivory woman had found it necessary to clarify the terms of her pack. After all, each pack had different names for their ranks, as she had come to learn, so if she had not explained Geneva would likely have been confused. Having issued her greeting, the fragile collie woman folded her arms to keep her exposed hands warm. "I'd be happy to answer any questions that you might have. I might not know everything about the pack, but I'll hopefully be able to give you the information you seek," she stated, agreeing to assist the Stockholm woman in her goal. Perhaps in the process she would learn about this Phoenix Valley pack that Geneva called home.


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