Tell everybody I'm on my way....

Hey, and welcome! Smile Dawali's a red wolf too :o
Word Count: 441

come dance with the west wind and touch on the mountain tops

His legs worked mechanically, driven forward more by habit than intention. His mind worked furiously as he followed known paths, paths followed so many times by him that they had no secrets for him anymore. He knew of the treacherous branch around the next bend, about the dip in the ground that was deeper than it looked, and the part where it flowed into a swamplike ground without warning, a few miles further ahead. He knew when it split into two, three, sometimes even four, and he knew these children as well as he knew their mother. He had been doing this all winter, out of lack of better things to do (or so he told himself), and though spring had come he was still at it. The same thoughts as had always done so patrolled his mind just as he patrolled his lands; tirelessly. Luckily, the scent of strangers lured him away from his usual path, and his two-legged form carried him towards the borders.

They had lit a fire. Rarely, visitors were so daring at a pack's borders. Dawali chuckled to himself at the thought; had this pack been another place, the meeting ahead would perhaps not be as pleasant. Most leaders viewed lighting of fires as trespassing, as being too familiar, and perhaps also arrogant. These two (for his nose picked up two of them, and recent prey, too), however, were lucky. Dawali was among the kindest leaders around, unless wronged properly. He did not see the point in snapping more than necessary; respect and fear are two different things. As the path snaked its way forward and he followed their scents along it, he could finally spot them ahead, where the land opened up to the plains that surrounded their lands. He let the chuckle go and took on a dominant pose as he approached them. Just because he was a kind person did not mean that he was unable to hold his rank. His arm was lifted in greeting, and his face was in serious folds, though openly curious, and he spoke with his usual voice when he was close enough to speak comfortably; a deep and powerful voice, a boom at the back of it, subdued. "Greetings." He studied the two young females for a moment. They looked about the same age, and both were young enough that he would not consider them full adults. One was of his own species; this intrigued him. He gave them a little smile, before he continued. "I'm Dawali Amara, Chief of the AniWaya Tribe, whose borders you're on." He did not say more. It was their turn now.


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