where black is the color, where none is the number
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Rikka liked to think of herself as a fairly worldly individual, but there was still so much that she hadn't seen. For example, anyone who even closely resembled the female that now stood before her. She'd seen dogs and foxes and hybrids of all shapes and sizes, but never anyone like the painted, lanky canine before her. Or at least she assumed she was some sort of canine. They could converse after all, so that seemed to be a pretty good indicator. Still, the de le Poer could not connect her to any other species of canine that she had ever laid eyes upon. Despite all she had seen, it was clear there was much more hidden away in the various corners of the globe.

The hybrid's ears flicked as the foreign female asked if she wished to talk about it. Did she? Rikka didn't know if talking would do any good, and it wasn't something she enjoyed relaying, but she supposed there wasn't much to lose from at least giving the woman a basic idea of what it was she was going through. "I didn't know we were at war." That was what she got for spending so much time away from clan lands. If she had been here maybe all of this could have been avoided. "I took a walk in the evening in the neutral lands. I ran into him. The wolf that sparked all this. I didn't do anything, but he chased me and caught me. Did this to me," she said, motioning at the scars on her hip and her still bandaged arm. "Every time I close my eyes he's there. I can't sleep without nightmares. I'm not myself anymore." It was as if the demon had stole her essence away. She wasn't the Rikka she knew any longer.

The woman handled her rude question with grace and it only made Rikka feel all the more guilty for asking in the way that she had. That guilt was compounded when she realized that this was the woman that her cousin was smitten with. "I'm sorry, that was really rude of me," the hybrid said frowning. "It's nice to meet you Alacrity. I'm Rikka de le Poer, Anselm's cousin. Sorry it's not as great of a pleasure to meet me." She couldn't remember the last time she'd made such an awful first impression. "Is your homeland anywhere near France? I've been to France, though I didn't stay long." Perhaps she could salvage the situation yet, even with her damaged social skills.


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