she's the only one that makes me sad
The words returned were like music to dead ears, it was good to know that he hadn't been forgotten. Of course, this memory of him was far different than the other memories of him. Surely the ones that had contact with him in his life, the ones that still lingered, had haunting memories of cold-eyed brute. He hoped so, anyways. Since his death his mind had become more clear, no longer tainted with the hunger of power that was there in the last few months. Even then, the hybrid was still able to justify his actions to himself. He hadn't done a thing to anyone that didn't deserve it. His attention snapped back the moment that her grip around him loosened and she moved back also, bringing two-toned eyes to gaze at her face.

Not even the prettiest of gowns did justice on her, none of them did, but the enjoyment that came from dressing up and prancing around certainly gave good reason to continue. It something that he was simply content to watch. Her words made him smile, the same calm smile as always, except when he was with her the intensity of anger behind his smile was lacking. "I still have my crown.." So to speak, anyways. The actual thing was still likely inside the Inferni house. He lifted a hand away from her then, bringing his fingers up to her face and brushing away the hair that threatened to fall. Her eyes were astounding, he wanted to see them. He said nothing though, only watched her, despite the rush of things that he wanted to explain to her.


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