I'm scared to death of light and silence

Should she think him evil? It was obvious to anyone who looked upon him that from birth, Tak had wrapped cruel arms around him. But she loved him - and his heart seemed good. She reached a hand out to him, wanting to hold his.
"All that I have been taught says you should be." She would not lie to her boy, she spoke softly, and gently. "But sometimes - blasphemous as it is, I truly think the Gods make mistakes. That is why I am going to change you - why I am going to take you from the darkness and bring you to the light." So much love filled her voice. She pitied him, she would deliver him from evil. "You are good, Larkspur. You are a faithful boy, you are devoted to your family...and you see God in all that is around you." She spoke firmly to him. Sometimes he doubted the good about himself - she had to make him see how very serious it all was. "Our Gods would not have delivered me to the mountain to save you, if you were only evil, Larkspur."


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