Tell everybody I'm on my way....
OCC: How many threads can our characters be in at once? (Also, am I supposed to still be listed as a wanderer under my name? Is there something I'm suppossed to do?) BIC:

The two girls relaxed a little under Dawali's smile, though Anne was uncertain exactly what they had done to warrent a smile.

Leah smiled quietly at the Alpha's words. "I'm sure I can find ways to occupy myself, sir." She nudged Anne gently, "Especially wih this bottomless pit here."

Anne tugged on the shorter female's ear. "Meanie," she said with no real anger. She returned her gaze to Dawali. "That soun's great, I'll be sure to look'im up."

Leah flicked the offended ear and rolled her eyes at her friend. "Sorry for offending your delicate sensibilities."

They both nodded at his words about the village (Anne's punctuated with a cheery "yep".)
After they doused and buried the fire and retrieved the rabbit hide (to cure later) they would follow him. Anne would range far ahead, tail wagging madly, come darting back, circle around, and return to Leah's side only to begin again. She was elated by the ease of their acceptance, and felt fully comfortable around the kind Alpha, though it must be said part if the reason was because when she checked Leah seemed comfortable around him. If Leah felt safe, you could probably leave your first born son with the guy.

Leah would follow sedately behind the chief, though it might have been because she'd stayed awake to keep watch while Anne slept. And though she'd never admit it, she had been having trouble sleeping in the cold weather, since her pelt was a good bit thinner than Anne's (whose thick fur took more after the grey wolf side of her genetics.) Her dark blue eyes darted around, taking in every detail, occasionally raking note of places where herbs or game might be found.

Anne as Anne passed the chief yet again she asked, "Where're we gonna sleep?"

Leah added on to her companion's question. "Will we have to build it? Or," she ended thoughtfully, "are there unoccupied living areas?"

"Either way, We'll prob-ly have to get to work quick, before the spring rains get 'ere - or the late snows..." Neither girl showed any sign hat they expected any help, beyond perhaps pointing out a spot where they would be allowed to build.

Anne came up behind the older girl and leaned on Leah's shoulders like a farmer on a barn gate, causing both girls to lean comically. She leaned over even farther to peer at her friend's face over the girl's shoulder. "Un, Leah, ya gonna build another oven?" She asked hopefully.

For a moment Leah's knees seemed ready to buckle under Anne's weight. Then she grinned evilly, ducked and sidestepped, making a sweeping motion with one leg to knock the other girl off her feet while she was still unbalanced. She also stuck her arm under the blonde to slow her fall... Now if she'd been holding a weapon... A combat move, though neither girl had not mentioned that she had been trained when hey spoke of Anne's fighting skills.

"That depends on how much Annie is planning to help." The young woman said sweetly, whirling on one foot to rush ahead, and proving surprisingly fast for such a bookworm. It was her revenge for Anne's use of her loathed real name.

A blonde blur pursued her, "Oi, I told ya not to call me that anymore! I'm not a lil' kid anymore Leah!"

The girls might have been behaving a little younger than they were, but now they had a chance to make up lost time they weren't going to waste a second. They were like birds who had lived so long with clipped wings that they were almost afraid to fly, and yet terrified that this may be the last chance. How bitter the taste of a freedom you cannot possess!


Ooc: I know I do a lot of interaction between the two, but they aren't as trusting as they look, and the only way anyone is going to learn anything about them at this point is through their interactions with each other. Plus it makes post length longer. Tongue

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