But you're so far away

         Halo was a shallow being in many ways – twisted views and thoughts had been forced into her head early on. One possible underlying cause for her racism could be her self-loathing. Halo was more wolf than coyote, though her optime refused to reveal this. Had Cotl seen her in one of her four legged forms her size would have revealed strong blood ties to wolf. The girl had always despised her blood. She had been brought up by traitorous father indeed, but the greatness of the Lykoi and de le Poer still ran thick in her brainwashed mind. Her extreme views had softened considerably after she had been accepted into the coyote clan despite her muddled blood and exiled father. She had been accepted as one of them and was now more at ease because she belonged somewhere and had a present family that loved her. Her distaste of muddled blood was weak. She had found that it was also the mind that made you who you are. Halo was a clan member and so were both of the coyote-dog hybrid brothers.

Her lips twisted as the male spoke. It had nothing to do about satisfaction. Has she gone after the mere appearance of a tattoo, then she eventually would have ended up with inked skin all over her body, but that was not her way. She remained silent, giving the male time to explain exactly what he meant with his words, for if he meant what she thought he did then the anger already lit within her would break through and reveal itself. She sort of understood that it was most likely not Cotl’s intention to make his words sound that way, but she found the words inappropriate – angered that her soft explanation had been brushed aside and turned into “not satisfying enough”. He saw his eyes fall from her and down on his hands and her lips twisted to reveal the tips of sharp teeth. ”I said it doesn’t hold a message or special meaning to me, not that it’s not eye candy,” her angry voice sounded, her words sourer and sharper than it had ever been in Cotl’s presence.

She did not want to dive into an attempt to understand the flowers because it would make memories rise and she could not handle it, fragile as she was still. ”What would a blood tainted patch of flower say about me, eh? You don’t even know me!” she challenged, voice rising, though keeping the growl she so wanted to let out at bay for now. The blood colour boiled in her eyes – it had been a long time since she had last allowed the rage to direct her body, and by doing so she was probably overreacting, but Halo had never truly been a fair creature.

Table credit: Mary Poppins

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