Meet this stranger
Table by Frost.

OOC: 756 words; Sorry it took so long.

All the pup knew was snow and winter weather. So to him the snow was a thing of beauty simply because he knew of no other. The snow was cold yet soft, which he knew of by having leapt into the piles over and over again. It was such a simple game yet it entertained him for a great while. At least until he finally tired. That was a feat in and of itself. After all he usually had energy to spare. One really had to praise Ember for being able to put up with the boy and his quirks. And especially for remembering to refer to him as a girl and treat him as such. That certainly had to be a challenge. Especially when others were destined to look at you strange for referring to your adopted son as a daughter. That was even if any knew of him. She might have decided to not even acknowledge him being under her care because of his quirks. Not that she could be blamed. He really had no ties to her at all. She had ended up just getting stuck with him because he had no one else and nowhere else to go. In that aspect alone Ember could be seen as a saint.

Though Ember had made mention of another leader. To Lotus this automatically meant that this other leader had to be his Daddy. And of course that means that there were plenty of questions rambling about in his mind. Like why Daddy wasn’t at home with Mommy and him. Ah, if only someone except the co-leader had taken him in. If so the Kalona wouldn’t have to worry about being bothered. But that simply wasn’t so. In fact Lotus had made it a point to set this day aside just to find him and bombard him with questions. Usually he spent his time wandering about and exploring but after prodding his Mommy for information about where the other leader was and what he looked like Lotus was determined to find him. And luck had it that the other was outside so that the pup wouldn’t have to barge into the homes of others in search of Dawali.

“Hi Daddy!” The greeting was called out excitedly as Lotus quickly raced over. Of course he failed to notice that he looked nothing like either of the wolves that he claimed were his parents. Genetics were simply beyond his understanding. To him it was simply a male and female leader meant they had to be his Daddy and Mommy. To him it made sense even if others wouldn’t see it in such a way. With the vocal greeting came the attempt for a physical one as well. He tried to climb into the leader’s lap in an attempt to lick at his face in way of an affectionate greeting. “What are you doing all the way over here Daddy? Were you sick and had to stay away? Are you coming home soon? Mommy misses you at home. Please come home, please?” The words came out in quick succession. Clearly Lotus already had his mind made up about the situation. Even though he had never met this wolf before he had no doubt that this was his Daddy. After all he had only met his Mommy not long ago. The information had been passed on that his Mommy had gone on ahead to find somewhere that was free of sickness and had sent for him once such a place has been found. He was simply too young not to believe what he was told. To him it all just made sense and was easily accepted.

“What are you doing? Can I help? I want to play too!” Again a barrage of words as he finally noticed all of the items laid out upon the ground. Without having even been given the approval, or even knowing what exactly was going on, his tail wagged excitedly at just the thought that he would get to help his Daddy with some project or another. Just wait until he told his Mommy what he did today! Wouldn’t she just be so proud of him? He certainly liked to think so. After all he did want to make his Mommy proud of him. And now his Daddy too. And wouldn’t his Mommy be even happier if he got Daddy to come back home where he is supposed to be? Of course his mind was jumping way ahead of anything that was going on.


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