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indent Vaguely, Gabriel saw his brother in her eyes. It was the light of every young man (or woman) who had ever known that they had been right, they had always been right, and always would be right. Sometimes they were. Children lived in a world very different then his, though at this point she was starting to push into this world. There was a clear divide and when the natural order was upset, friction caused sparks, and in some cases (like Andrezej) those sparks became a fire that had the potential to one day consume them all.
indent Of course, Gabriel would tear out his brother’s throat before that happened.
indent At her assertion, his muzzle twisted into something that could have been a snarl or a grin. Gabriel’s eyes, the inhuman Lykoi eyes, remained on her face. “If I was planning to,” he began, “You and I wouldn’t be talking now.” There was no room in Gabriel’s world for idle chat with his enemies. “Besides,” he concluded, “I make a point not to kill women or children.” She was, at this point, crowned with both of these titles. Unless an incident like the one with the white she-wolf occurred, in which both his life and home were threatened, he wouldn’t touch her period.


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