my daddy's got a gun

There had been a moment of hesitation when the call had risen. Larkspur could sense, as he had always been able to, that something was wrong. The air felt peculiar, full of a heavy electricity that did not settle well in his bones. Larkspur was not smart, but he knew a separate truth and one that whispered to him through the voice of the can tah. This soft whisper was cut short by a brash and demanding call. Someone was in trouble, someone who had called first for Haku and then for others. A woman in danger. By all accounts, no part of Larkspur was required to obey the request, but so strong was his devotion to others that the black wolf could not help but respond.

Four legged, the large male made his way towards the source. What he found surprised him; a coppery woman with a child had three coyotes advancing on her. One carried a sword, one reeked of decay, and the other was the woman he had spoken to before joining Dahlia. Inhaling the tension, Larkspur advanced. In his Secui form, he was a brute; coming to Tokyo’s side, he lowered his head and bared his teeth. Though he felt no true loyalty to this woman, he intended to do what Misery had told him to—blend in, and become “normal”.


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