they say they ride horses!
DBig GrinBig Grin:

        He forced his face to keep up its current display, but his heart fell somewhat as the other boy spoke. Conior would not go as far as to think of Claudius as childish, but he though that he had definitely met a dreamer. There was no way he could “borrow” any man. He did not know this Dawali and he doubted that it would make a good first impression to go to him and ask him to play the role as his father. It was too late. As a child such things were possible, but Conor was about to grow up to be a man. His first birthday was coming up and by rank he already was adult, a full member of Dahlia de Mai. It was sort of adorable how Claudius tried though; the Dahlian could at least give the pale boy that.

Lilac eyes automatically moved to the ivory creature sitting by the tree when she was mentioned, but his gaze quickly fell to the forest floor. The smile on his face was sad now, for he could not change his parents. He should instead try to be content with what he already had, as he was certain that somewhere there was a soul far more miserable than him. ”Don’t think it works that way, Claudius.” It sort of warmed that the Aniwayan said that they could be like brothers. It was a kind thing to want. ”I can be your friend even if I cannot be your brother.” these words were meant to soothe and lift the falling atmosphere. It was great to tie bonds with members of other packs.


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