You know I'd do anything for you

WC: 351 // it's very late at night, i apologize if this is incoherent in any way! D:

lost into the weight of gravity

Anu wanted, and so Anu would receive. Coli could not last much longer at all, nor did she need to -- the fast-paced first time was exhilerating, a race to the finish! They would have all the time in the world to slowly indulge each other later, to share every experience they could... This time, in her inexperience, Colibri was allowed to be selfish. Despite her dizzied state of mind, her panting lips still found their way to Anu's nipple, her breath hot as her tongue flicked instinctively out.

Both of their voices could be heard, quick and overlapping, little muted sounds of excitement and moans. A desperate, strangled whine escaped from Colibri's throat -- ah, she had never wanted or needed anything this badly! "Please... please... nn... Ah... Anu..." she exhaled, her voice high and breathy with helpless surrender. Her lover was in complete and utter control of her, was so perfectly knowledgeable and skillful at her craft, was so amazing in every way... There was no one else in the world but Anu.

She felt a tremor rack her body, then another - an uncontrollable shivering, that signified her reaching the peak. Her voice rang out, sounding like another wolf to her ears; surely that tremulous yipping half-howl could not be coming from her, could it? But everything seemed to explode into whiteness before she could figure it out -- stars burst before her eyesight, her body jerked back spasmodically, her thighs trembling against Anu's -- the moment was brief, violent, rapture -!

She felt her chest heaving as she panted, struggling to catch her breath and get her bearings back. "W-was that.... supposed to happen...?" she muttered breathlessly, fingers shaking as she entwined them in Anu's mane. Had she done enough? Was her lover unsatisfied? "Was that... good?" There was a hot dampness between her legs, she could feel it past Anu's attentive fingers. There was a sudden insecurity in her, a need to be held and reassured after the rhythm had been broken. Had Anu felt the same thing she had, or had she fallen much too soon?


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