Following the taint


Breath hesitated before it was let out between slightly parted lips. He was not particularly fond of revealing grave news in such a way, but to witness ignorance and see it take lives was outright wrong and not an acceptable option. Conor was devoted, and though he had yet to work up the courage he needed to ensure the pack’s safety by taking proper action, he still did his best to try to serve Dahlia and keep it safe. It was hard to see the misery catch up with the boy so close to his age again and while Vark turned his face away, Conor did the same in respect. He wished there was some form of cure for injuries of the soul, but he knew of no such thing. The short silence made the situation awkward, but joy was thankfully found when Vark learned that he could stay with the odd family few houses away. Wolves lived in packs for a reason, Conor knew, and there was no resentment in any form in Conor’s made choice. He did not wish for Vark to live alone in a cold house with such pain corrupting his young heart. Alexey had not been counselled, but he knew she would not disapprove of this. The golden male and the latte female cooperated in every way, though his heart still ached for her to love him.

”It would be appreciated greatly if you helped us with food and other tasks,” the lilac eyed yearling confessed, smiling wider now. ”We have three greedy puppy mouths and Emwe, my brother, has this extraordinary appetite as well.” Conor actually laughed as he thought of his somewhat chubby brother and his ways. Vark’s reaction had reminded him so of his sandy coated brother. He was certain that they would get along – who did not go well with Emwe? ”You can come today if you want - it’s a large house with enough space for everyone,” Conor said merrily. ”We can gather your things and later today I can introduce you properly to Alexey and the children.” Perhaps he should take a quickly lap around the snow coated lands in pursuit of a larger meal, as they needed to have some kind of welcome meal. Special occasions also meant special treats.

Table credit: Alli/Anu

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