New Letters

<3 ...dont know if i like this post X|

Keeping pace with another horse and rider was 'old-hat' to the pair. The Friesian stallion needed no cue from his rider on this trip. Rem perfectly matched the pale stallion's pace step for step and always keeping ideal distance apart whilst staying side by side. Every step made with rider in mind. Never to close to trunks or low branches. Though he had abandoned the high headed walk he used in the cavalry line a long with the high stepped gait. No, he was much more relaxed and mellow, his tail still behind and his head low. Not too low though, like his rider he still had his pride.

Anann smiled as she remembered how he had loved to prance. Shaking his head, throwing his mane, swishing his tail behind him. It was no wonder the enemy had thought him truly a demon with rider to match. It had surprised her that he had chosen to leave that life behind. He had loved to fight, more he loved the intimidation before, but so had she. She should have known he would follow her. The two had never been apart for more than a day and to be honest she had prepared for it. Packing feed rations and his blanket just in case. She would have sold them or abandoned them before long but he had acted as predicted.

Anann could smell the stables before she saw them. She hadn't realized how much she had missed that smell. It reminded her of happy times at home. Times in the training yard with Rem and Godfrey. Teasing the stable boys, when she was younger. She was impressed at its size once it came into view. She hadn't expect that they would have such a large facility. Quite the place you've got! Rem too, was excited as his head had come up, ears pointed at the stables ahead. The stallion gave a slight snort of interest but that was all.

Table by Alli<3


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