baby, it's cold outside

ooc: sorry for lateness X] <3


Alaine thought she couldn't get much angrier.

Oh, but she'd been wrong.

Infact, even as the words were spilling from his maw like a subtle back-hand to her jaw, the pretty collie woman could only gape openly at his crudeness, his downright chauvinistic sexist words. She was far too shocked to react, far too nostalgic at that moment to whip out her paw and smart him up with a hand-shaped mark across the face. Her own cheeks flamed beneath their creamy fur, those elegant ivory hands fisted at her sides, inverted jade eyes narrowing such that the pupils were slits in their endless depths.

He broke into French, the language deceptively romantic as it curled to her hark, but Alaine was hardly deceived. There was a growing flame in her chest, so hard and bright that it almost made her eyes water with anger, but shock and confusion to his elegant speech and delicate, almost tender grasp of her wrist banked it down. Before she could think to stop him, the devil-incarnate brushed his lips tantalizingly to the top of her knuckles, and the red stain of her cheeks deepened, her brilliant eyes widening further as the pupil rounded prettily again.

What the HELL was going on, here?

Because his soulless eyes were laughing at her avid astonishment and confusion, Alaine almost missed the introduction. Almost, but not quite. Suddenly the room seemed far too small, and she wrenched her hand from his grasp as if burned.

" Surely, you jest," Her musical, soft tone was stained with a growing dread that informed her, alas, no, he did not, " Your ill humor is wasted on the likes of me, and I'd thank you kindly not to... Not to..."

Oh dear lord in heaven, he was the king, wasn't he?

A barrage of emotions felled her mind, and the words stuck in her throat. Glittering tears sprung unguarded to her eyes, her arms wrapping tightly about slender body and petite breasts as if to hold herself together. Of two things, Alaine was absolutely certain: Firstly, she'd just insulted the Monarch of her new pack so much that, on a whim, he could have her and her son exhaled out into the winter yonder, and Secondly, if that happened, there was absolutely no hope for her. Why, why, WHY did she have to put her foot in it so damnedly? Was there any shred of luck left to her tattered soul?

She considered grovelling, the smarting tears already drying on her heated cheeks. No, not grovelling - She wasn't very good at it. She considered seduction, but hell, a rock had better chance at playing the temptress than Alaine. She considered offering her body, but the thought of going back into that dark place was so vile that it was banished immediately.

There was only one thing left to do.

" ... Perhaps you should sit down. I'll just... I'll just fetch your meal."

Speak think walk
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