The sky's on fire - finished

Try to keep your posts short if you can and to the point so that we can move on as fast as possible. My reply here is a good example of what you should avoid ;P 500+

It all goes, all goes by

If he could he would have lost himself in the simple task of preparation. The oddly beautiful flames slowly drew closer without a halt and the pile of various items was growing despite that there were more items that probably would have been needed. With the approach of the white angel the boy finally halted and looked at her with a hollowed gaze before he moments later realized that it was Bris, the first member to have answered his call. Despite the weak showup the boy was grateful that someone had made the choice to answer his call for assistance when the alpha’s too had rung few minutes before. There was no way for Conor to know what was going on; he just knew that Dahlia would be on fire if the spreading flames were not doused. Violet eyes knew this female as they had met in the graveyard one wintery night, but there was not time to remind her of such a thing when there were more important matters.

Suddenly there were more. He recognized Lolita with the blazing red hair and the strange boy that had yelled his father in the face at the pack meeting. He had never realized that flames could roar until today. He was about to shout instructions when his four legged brother darted into the scene and did not even wait before he took a bucket and ran to the closest water resource. Despite the tragedy they were caught in he could not keep a small face for briefly visiting his face before he spoke to the smaller group. ” Emwe and M-Myrtle, you will be on water duty: your job will be to fill up the buckets with water and hand it to Bris and Lolita. Just do what Emwe is doing” He was not sure if he had gotten the foreign male’s name right, but this was not the time for it. He turned to Lolita. ” We will fight to put out the fire – concentrate on the worst spots first." He turned to Bris then, his face so much calmer than his mind was. ”I will toss dirt in the fire’s way. We can’t save what has already been touched, but we can limit the spreading if we work fast enough." The ground was still hard most places, but it should not be an impossible task.

The yearling let his mind go blank and felt his body crack and bend as he shifted into his secui form. It was only the second time he had been in this Halfling form, but it was only a matter of breaking and stopping the process at the right time. Exhaustion was heavy in his limbs, but adrenaline let him go on. Powerful paws with long claws dug into the chill earth and he started the race against the fire, trying to kick up enough soil in an uneven line before the fire managed to eat past and further into the territory.

Table credit: Sace(Hemming)

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