New Letters


Anann followed in step of her host. Dismounting as Rem came to a stop a couple yards off from the dark man and his pale stead. A loud greeting echoed from within the barn. It seems you've been missed. A broad smile on her face, she took a deep breath. Taking in the scent of the place. It reminds me of home. Happy times. She had always loved the smell of the stables back home. She had spent much time in the stables and adjacent training yard.

She quickly pulled the packs from Rem's back. Leaving them strapped together she set them next the barn for now. Is there anything on the outside or at least somewhere were he can come and go as he pleases? I'm really just more concerned about getting him fed than a stall. Anann didn't plan on returning to these lands until she sought out the king. It was one thing to be escorted onto the lands, it was something completely different to expect that she would be able to come and go as she pleased, but she home at least Rem would be welcome to do that. With the war, do you really want a lone wolf coming and going as she pleases? If it was my lands, I wouldn't. She spoke plainly, flatly. She knew Heath had no reason to trust her. Yet he had. She had already asked him for more help than she felt she should have so quickly. Rem will want to be with me most the time. He'll need to be free to come and go or I'm afraid I can't cover the cost of the damages should he feel the need to force his way out. She laughed, only half joking.

She thought a moment before answering his last question. Having lived her whole life with Rem, the golden fem couldn't imagine a life with out the companionship of a horse. She thought only on how to best explain it. Not everyone rides, but our..their society is very dependent on horses. Horses play a part in every aspect of our lives. Work, play and even war. A darkness fell over her briefly at the last words. Her eyes and tone grew cold,but just as quickly the dark eyes warmed to their normal earthy glow.

Table by Alli<3


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