old faces, new places


True, his knowledge of hunting techniques was quite vast, but beyond that the knowledge that he lacked far outweighed what he had. So much energy and time he had poured into being a hunter had lead to a great neglect for other areas of expertise and he often felt that his focus had been a bit foolhardy. Still though, Onawa had never made an effort to guide him away from his quest to become one of the best hunters the tribe had and he could be comforted by that. Surely if it had been wrong of him to do she would have found a way and diverted his attention to where it should have been. Plus, the knowledge that the tribe would always needs hunters to provide the food was comforting, but of course all the paths in AniWaya were invaluable, each in their own special way. Dawali's specialty was just as important as providing food for the table.

It somewhat surprised him to hear that someone not originally of their tribe had taken up the position as the Kalona's right hand, but upon further thought he saw the wisdom in this. This section of their tribe was not in the lands that they knew and were used to, so it would make sense for someone who was more acquainted with the ways here to take up that honored and respected position. It was just the traditionalist in him that questioned the notion. If Dawali had chosen her though, then surely she was up to the task. "I might have to," he conceded, though of course he would meet her one way or another.

Pale gaze was ever curious upon the chief, especially when he let out his loud, exuberant laughter. One brow cocked up, not entirely sure what was so funny about this way the wolves around here fished. The question was slowly answered, however, when Dawali began to explain the roundabout nature of this device and how it accomplished its purpose. Once the explanation was complete Nayati could not help but snort derisively about this supposed "fishing pole". "It sounds like they make fishing much more complicated than it need be. Why wait on the whims of the fish when you can catch one with a net or spear at your leisure?" It did not make any sense to the pragmatic male. "Patience is required with all things, however to make you expend more than is necessary is foolish. I will need to show them the proper way to fish. This pole appears to be an excuse to be lazy." Laziness in one's duties was something that irked the Utina to no end.


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