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indent The results of her efforts would not show until late March, or even early April. Still, Gabriel was pleased. It was comforting to see that others had taken it upon themselves to better the area (area which he decided, at this point, would belong to Inferni). That process would not take long, as none of the wolves had yet pressed into the city. Buildings were important to Gabriel because they offered space for storage and protection in the wicked seasons of the year. They were symbols as well; We are better then you, they said, We are evolving. No, not evolution—mutation.
indent At her response, Gabriel grinned, eyes reflecting the fire. It had been a long time since he had last smoked that green devil grass. It both calmed him and let him loosen up, though never too much. Rurik had been the only one he had ever let see his guard down, but Rurik had been there when the war came. He knew that Inferni was to be feared. Pushing himself up with his palms, Gabriel got to his feet and offered her a hand. “Sure,” he said. “I’d like that.”


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