this was never the way I planned, not my intention
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no need to be sorry! <3

     Even to the very last, Lolita was tender and gentle with her. As her body lay there, recovering, her other hand rand down her heated form to rest and rub gently against her stomach. It felt so good and comforting that the girl sighed contently. Cambria would have honestly been content to lay there with the pale Dahlian for days, letting the world outside slip by them, but it seemed that that was not to be the case. When Lolita said that she should probably go home now, the girl wanted to protest, to say that she didn't need to go home, but she knew that she needed to. Lolita was right, if she didn't, her parents would get very worried about her so it would be best if she got going. Thankfully, all thoughts of what had happened to her earlier had vanished, and so the task seemed much less daunting than it had before. "I guess so..." she said, her tone clearly indicating there was some remorse in that fact.

     Slowly the girl sat up, her muscles still somewhat shaky with the intense passion they had just endured. Shyly looking back up to the fiery haired woman she spoke again. "Thank you, Lolita." There was so much she was thanking her for. For being nice to her from the start, for calming her down, and for showing her things that she had never even imagined. Cambi wanted to hug her, to cuddle up against her and not leave, but it seemed that wouldn't be appropriate for some reason. "Will I...will I see you again?" She certainly hoped this wouldn't be the only time she saw the caring, pretty female.


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