I wonder

indent The smell of blood had drawn him. Gabriel moved like a stray dog turned feral through the city, aware and conscious of each building and each street. This place was familiar, as it had been in his younger days. The graffiti on several buildings had been his doing, the same symbol on his right shoulder and the symbol that was Inferni’s. His footsteps were steady and solid, four feet trotting in time, clicking across the concrete.
indent Soon the smell of blood became intermixed with that of Clouded Tears. Stopping, the hybrid judged the air and slunk around the side of the house, staying downwind. If he found a wounded wolf, things could turn out interesting. Pushing his way through the back door, the large male moved through the kitchen. All too soon he was eye to eye with a young fox kit, who stared at him before bolting. Instinctually, Gabriel gave chase—though his traction gave out on the linoleum and he scrambled wildly, loosing momentum and the young animal. The blood trail led him quickly into the hallway, and it was at that moment the door was pushed open.


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