I'm fixing a hole where the rain gets in

Lol, that's okay! I feel cool that I can make Tammi write so much, even if her char does not like my char XD And Rikka's just gonna be like "kbai Tongue" now :x 500+

The two creatures had been formed and lived in two completely different worlds and states of mind. Hybrid was the perfect soldier for Inferni. He did not question the way they did things here and saw nothing wrong with the way he or anyone else here conducted themselves. Rikka may have been born into Inferni, but she had always questioned the way things were in the clan. She had never been comfortable here just accepting things as they were without the reasons why. It made no sense to her that they all claimed to hate wolves so much when almost all of them had at least some wolf blood in their veins. Even Kaena had wolf in her, as much as she tried to ignore it. She and her brother, who now lead the clan, were much more wolf than they were coyote. How could she blindly accept the fact that wolves were bad and coyotes were good when she was part of both? When her mother more often chose wolves for her partners than coyotes? Hybrid had the luxury of not being a hybrid. He didn't have to wrestle with the questions that she had her whole life. That was all well and good for him, but she would never be able to see things so one dimensionally as he did.

Her return to Inferni had been far from an escape, and far from the easy way out. True, her family did rule the clan and held the sway in these lands, but that didn't mean that things were easier for her here. They were harder. Here she was the odd man out, the black sheep, the one who was different. Life had been much easier in the commune for her than it would ever be within the borders of the clan. Rikka had come back to try and reconnect with her family. To see if it were at all possible to be who she was while still living with her kin. The answer to that question would only come with time, and she knew she might end up regretting her decision to return, but she was going to stick it out and do her best to make this work. Inferni might be the easy road for Hybrid and those like him, but for her it was far from easy. Often it contradicted everything she believed in, but she put up with it for the sake of her family. She saw nothing cowardly in her decision to return, and had seen nothing cowardly in her decision to leave. She hadn't been happy with who she was and she had needed to leave to find herself. Anyone who looked down on her for doing what was best for her was just a sad, pathetic creature.

Rikka bristled at his mocking statement, though she remained stoic and still. He may have thought her a fool, but she found him equally one. The two would just live in a mutual disdain for the other and doing their best to avoid each other would be the best option. He could not see her side and she could not see his. It would just be best to never converse with the red-eyed male again. "You're a complete fool. You may be happy in your little microcosm, but what happens if it ever goes away? Where will you go then? What will you do? If you can't see anything of the world outside then it will devour you if it ever gets the chance." Someone like Hybrid would quickly make enemies and with no one to protect him but himself, he would be brought down to a swift demise. The world had a way of handling people like him, whose hearts and heads were filled with anger and hate.

They could keep on insulting one another until the sun came up, but Rikka much preferred to spend her night sleeping so she could wake ready for the new day. "Goodnight," she stated simply and walked into her cave. Hopefully Hybrid wouldn't be stupid enough to try and follow her in here to continue their debate. She was in no mood to continue to talk with someone who would never see or listen.

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