Having as much experience as her traveling, there are wonderful perks that can add to a pack. Zasha has always thought knowledge was the key to life. It made it rich and joyous especially when experienced rather than heard. More times than she can count, she found herself in company of young pups seeking her stories. It always delighted her to see them excited over a tail. Many male pups wanted stories of fights she has seen and female pups wanted beauty, both sought to hear of the adventures. It always warmed her heart to hear them call for her wanting to be entertained. Who would not smile to know they are wanted.

So when asked what she would have to offer, memories would surface. Memories of day’s pups fell asleep listening to a story. Times when she would try to teach a pup to learn to read, and how frustration for the young, would end up with them playing a game she has taught. Not all of her memories were from the pups. Many adults would ask to hear tales of a place she had been. It surprised her how many wanted to travel but never would. They felt such an attachment to their packs they would never leave.

She never encouraged someone to go off on their own like she had. It can be dangerous if caught in a bad situation. If wars were being fought, one could find themselves having to pick a side. She had to do that one time. She hoped she never had to do that again. Wars brought suck sadness to the eyes of the packs. Joy seemed to have dissipated because everyone was on alert.

There was only one thing she had to offer. It was something she prized more than anything, the only thing that has made her life worth living beside her brother, was her wisdom. “I can offer knowledge of other countries, customs, and games for entertainment. I know how to read English and Russian, which I can teach. I have many wonderful stories I can share for everyone to enjoy."

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