f*** the surgeon general's warning

He felt her watching him: an uneasy sensation, for he didn't know why her eyes were fixed upon him. He wondered if she found him attractive, or if that was aiming to high. As soon as the consideration, crossed his mind, Kansas felt like slapping himself; why would he care? Maybe she simply found him interesting, though he wasn't sure why anyone found him interesting as a generality. He compared it to how he felt about her, and decided that she was an intriguing woman, with her fiery hair and easy demeanor. The pale boy felt no sexual attraction to her; rather, he regarded her as an artist might regard a beautiful painting. It was the same way with all beautiful females, with the exception of Savina.

He wasn't surprised or offended by her decline of his offer. Her mention of preferring "herb" pushed him further into his dislike of the cigarette's smell, and he ground the rest of it into the earth. She had not offered for him to smoke with her yet, and he worried that she wouldn't. But it was reasonable that they should get to know one another first, so she could be sure he wasn't a threat. He was content with this. "I'm... not sure what you want to know," he admitted, fondling his eyebrow ring thoughtfully. Of course, he defaulted to telling of his family, the thing that mattered most to him, and the thing that was in his thoughts most of the time, anyway. "I'm from Crimson Dreams; I live there with my mate and three puppies, er, 'adolescents', now, I guess." How strange to be referring to Cambria, Gotham, and Amata as adolescents. Wasn't he barely past his teenage years himself? Their age, and progress in its entirety, would never cease to baffle him. "What about you?"


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