Trouble's Brewing
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"A goal is something feasible," Jefferson nodded, the rocker creaking as he leaned back and scratched at his chin, eye searching the walls in obvious thought. She was empty like a shell, somewhat, unsure what her purpose in life was or what she was capable of without clear, obvious direction. It was only natural that she'd have difficulty finding targets and goals to strive for when she'd formerly existed only as a disappointment to those who were supposed to love her. At that time, surely any goal she'd tried to set for herself felt useless, since they would only end up in more discouragement and apparent failure to everyone else.

He sighed. She was complicated and had a great load of baggage, all right. It set her apart from the rest of the pack, who were perfectly content with their lives and tended to ride the waves as they came without any real fear to do so. Zynex was different: everything that approached her was another obstacle, another thing she would either lose to or struggle to find a way around and still feel even mildly satisfied with herself.

"It's going to be hard, but hell... you've been through harder. You can do this, you know that." She'd been through plenty worse with her family and exile, so setting goals and turning to make life better for herself now that she was out of the situation would possibly come easier than she thought. "You just start out easy. First, learn everyone's name in the pack. Next, where they sleep every night or where they came from. Then you build from there. Every goal is a process, Scarlet. It's something you're going to have to work for if you want to win in the end."


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