common sound of a common girl
wc: 259

Nature is everywhere. Yes, she had noticed it too -- there was something so idyllic here, such a haven from the outside world. Colibri couldn't pinpoint whether it was the inland seclusion of the territory that made it so lush and fragrant, or perhaps the gentle guidance of a gardener's touch that made the flowers bloom so beautifully in the warmer seasons. It could just be the poetic observations of a girl in love, since Coli's reason to be here was always her Anu. Regardless of the true reason, this land already felt safe, felt like the right place to be. It was a feeling she could not remember having before, not in her mother's pack, not in Clouded Tears, not wandering with Cercelee as pups. "...It's so perfect here. I can't wait for the snow to melt," she confessed, relaxing against the rickety wooden wall of the stable. Winter had its own delicate, crystalline beauty, but she was a gardener at heart, and greatly anticipated growing things alongside her lover. "I'd like this to be my home as well. It feels like a place I could grow old in." Flayra wouldn't know, but Colibri had never assumed she would grow old before; it had always been her assumption that she would fade and be forgotten before her time. Death had followed at her heels several times now, but always she was spared from a premature grave. It was optimism that her new life had granted her; hope and ambition, to live life the way she was supposed to.

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