Meet this stranger

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Word Count: 537

His little ritual was suddenly interrupted by a racing bullet; a ball of fur thundering his way with an excited face. It was Ember's little adoptive kid. Dawali always liked children, adored them even, but he wasn't quite so sure about this deal. He wasn't quite so sure what he thought about Ember having this kid with her. And he definitely wasn't so sure what he thought about him calling him Daddy. Oh, what twist of fate had brought this naive belief into the child's head? The Chief's one eyebrow was raised automatically as he observed the child racing towards him and naming him as his dad. This only lasted until the child climbed onto him, extending his tongue and "washing" his face a little in greeting. While the Chief was not uncomfortable with displays of affection, and not uncomfortable with children, he was uncomfortable with this, and so he grabbed the child firmly with both arms and lifted him off of himself, though maintained a smile and a kind face. The child did not understand, and he would not want to hurt his feelings. Giving a little chuckle (for it was a little charming, after all), he put the boy down onto the ground. A series of questions that made him no less uncomfortable flew from Lotus as he was in the air, and Dawali's chuckle died abruptly. Masking this feeling, he gave the little boy a pseudo-explanation. "Now, Lotus? I live here, Dawali's home is here in this hut, and your home is with Ember." His thoughts brushed the one sentence; Mommy misses you at home. Was it the child's imagination, or was his sub-leader still walking around with such thoughts? He hoped not. Uncomfortable, he coughed to clear his voice and continued. "You see, we don't live together." His forehead wrinkled, hoping this explanation would silence the boy, and not send him into another deep stream of questions he could not logically answer. If this child thought they were a family, it could be very sad for him to realize they were not, at least so directly. It was better to avoid the subject and let him realize it on his own, Dawali thought.

The child wanted to help, and now the Chief grew more comfortable. This was more normal interaction, and he could do that. "Dawali is going to put this fire out, and then make it burn again." He found that he simplified his own language to suit the boy, and wasn't sure of what he thought about that. And what was with the speaking of himself in the third person? Ignoring this sudden atypical behavior, Dawali continued. "You can help me; we should throw sand on it so it doesn't burn anymore." Showing him with his hand, moving dirt from next to himself and throwing it on the fire. Still moist with the remnants of winter and the freshness of the morning and spring, it caused the fire to hiss a little, before looking quite the same. More sand would be needed. Good thing Dawali had help! He had never met a child that didn't think it was fun to throw dirt around; and better yet, being allowed to do so.

Awesome sexy table by Kat! Smile

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